Dashboard Overview

The Dashboard includes five main panels:

1. Portfolio Panel

  • The portfolio panel lists all portfolios in the organisation.
  • Each portfolio is listed with its number of policies and exposure value.
  • Click on All Portfolios to go to the portfolio list page. Here you can edit and delete the portfolios.
2. Insights / Risk Aggregation
  • This is a breakdown of the organisation risk into Portfolios type.
  • Click on a Type of Risk and it will show the Portfolios defined in that Type.

3. Regions Panel

  • The region panel contains the Above Threshold and Exposure values of all the regions.

4. Weather Events Panel

  • This will show the latest active weather events.
  • Click on a event to go to the event page.
  • Click the bottom All Events to go to the Weather page.

5. Map Panel

  • The dashboard map displays all the regions and portfolio vessels.
  • Each vessel is color-coded by type.
  • Move around the map by clicking and dragging the map. Use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
  • Use the drop-down menus on the right to filter the map view.
  • Switch from Cluster View to Detailed View to display the vessels icons.
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