How to delete an active user

1. Go to the Dashboard and scroll down to the Registered Users section2. Click on the user you wish to delete to see their profile 3. In the top right click the Delete button

How to delete pending user

1. Go to the Dashboard and scroll to the Pending Invitations section at the bottom2. Click on the Delete button, next to the person you wish to remove invitation to

How to resend pending user email

Before resending the invite, it’s worth checking if the pending user has an existing invite in their spam folder, if not follow the below.1.Go to the Dashboard and scroll to the bottom 2. See the Pending Invites section 3. Click on the Resend Invite button next to the person who needs it.

How to add users

NOTE: You must have admin permissions to perform these steps.1. Navigate to the Dashboard 2. Scroll down to the Registered Users section 3. Click Add Users 4. Select the Add Regular Users or Add Admin Users tab, depending on your needs 5. Type in the users email addresses that you wish to add, if adding […]

How to edit your user profile

1. Go to Your Profile 2. Click the Edit Profile button 3. From this page you can edit: a. First Name b. Last Name c. Receiving Live email alerts d. Receiving weekly email summary e. Your Password 4. Once you’re happy with the changes, click Update

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